Learn Robotics: Guide for beginners

Robotics has been a part of pop culture for decades and humanoid versions of the robots we used across numerous industries every day.

In reality, robotics involves programming machines to carry out a series of programmable actions. Most of the time, these robots are autonomous although some, such as telerobots, are entirely controlled by a human operator.

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Basic aspects of Robotics:

Before we move further, let’s look at the basic aspects of a robot. There are different types of robots with different applications and forms. When it comes to their construction, there are some basic similarities. It consists of three major aspects are Mechanical, Electronic and programming.

1. Mechanical Parts:

All Robots have some kind of mechanical construction, such as a frame, a form or a shape in order to achieve certain operation or task.

2. Electronic Parts:

Each and every Robots have electronic components to power and control the machine. The electrical aspect of robots is used for movement, sensing where electrical signals are used to measure things like heat, sound, position, and energy status and operation.

3. Programming Part:

All the Robots have some kind of computer programming code. It acts as the brain of a robot. The program determines how a robot decides when or how to perform activities. A robot could have excellent mechanical and electrical construction, but without a well-structured program it won’t perform well, so it is one of the important part of the Robotics. 


Approaches to learn Robotics for kids:

The approaches to learning Robotics can be categorized as bottom-up, top-down, or hybrid. The bottom-up approach is to learn the fundamentals of varied aspects first. Then put what you learned together and apply them into the real world of robot creating. This approach is solid, slow at the start but will accelerate later on. It requires persistence and may take a lot of time.

 The top-down approach is to jump into simple robot creating from the beginning and catch up on the fundamental knowledge along the way. This approach can work well to build confidence and maintain motivation by establishing a sense of accomplishment quickly. The downside of this approach is it usually demands lots of hand-holding and may result in more mimicking than real creation. 

The hybrid approach incorporates both the bottom-up and top-down, which is the approach we recommended for kids to get started with robotics.

In next article we will learn how to implement simple Robot.

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