Why Do My YouTube Videos Keep Pausing? [15 Proven Fixes]


Watching YouTube videos should be a seamless experience, but unexpected pauses can turn enjoyment into frustration. If your videos frequently stop playing, a variety of issues might be to blame. This guide outlines 15 proven fixes to help you enjoy uninterrupted streaming.

Common Causes of YouTube Videos Pausing

1. Slow or Unstable Internet Connection

Problem: A poor internet connection is the primary cause of buffering and video pauses.


  1. Test Your Speed: Use a tool like Speedtest.net to check your internet speed.
  2. Optimize Your Network: Move closer to your router or switch to a wired connection for more stable internet.

2. Outdated Browser

Problem: An outdated browser might not support the latest YouTube features, causing playback issues.


  1. Update Browser: Navigate to your browser’s settings or visit the official website to download the latest version.

3. Browser Cache and Cookies

Problem: Accumulated cache and cookies can conflict with YouTube, leading to playback interruptions.


  1. Clear Cache and Cookies: Go to your browser’s privacy settings and clear browsing data.

4. Conflicting Browser Extensions

Problem: Certain extensions, particularly ad-blockers, can interfere with YouTube playback.


  1. Manage Extensions: Disable or uninstall extensions that might be causing the issue.

5. Issues with YouTube App

Problem: Bugs or glitches within the YouTube app can disrupt video streaming.


  1. Update or Reinstall: Check for updates in your app store, or reinstall the app if the problem persists.

Advanced Solutions

6. Device Performance

Problem: Limited device resources can affect how videos play.


  1. Close Background Apps: Shut down unnecessary apps and processes to free up resources.

7. YouTube’s Server Status

Problem: High traffic or server downtime on YouTube’s end can cause video interruptions.


  1. Check Server Status: Visit DownDetector to see if YouTube is experiencing issues.

8. Network Configuration Issues

Problem: Incorrect network settings or DNS configuration can disrupt video playback.


  1. Reset Network Settings: Reset your network settings or configure your DNS to use Google’s ( and

9. Browser Hardware Acceleration

Problem: Hardware acceleration can sometimes interfere with smooth video playback.


  1. Disable Hardware Acceleration: Turn off this feature in your browser settings.

10. Device Hardware Problems

Problem: Faulty hardware, such as a defective network adapter, can affect video streaming.


  1. Inspect Hardware: Check and replace any malfunctioning hardware components.

11. Internet Service Provider (ISP) Throttling

Problem: Your ISP might be limiting your bandwidth, affecting video quality.


  1. Use a VPN: Install a VPN to bypass throttling and improve video playback.

12. Outdated Software and Drivers

Problem: Old software or drivers can cause conflicts and playback issues.


  1. Update Software: Ensure your operating system and drivers are up to date.

13. Adjust Video Quality Settings

Problem: Higher-resolution videos require more bandwidth, leading to buffering on slower connections.


  1. Lower Video Quality: Click the settings icon on the YouTube player and select a lower resolution.

14. Manage Background Data Usage

Problem: Other apps consuming bandwidth in the background can affect YouTube performance.


  1. Limit Background Data: Restrict background data usage for non-essential apps.

15. Restart Your Device

Problem: Temporary glitches on your device can disrupt video playback.


  1. Reboot Device: Turn off your device and restart it to resolve transient issues.

Table of Fixes for Quick Reference

Slow Internet ConnectionTest speed, optimize network settings
Outdated BrowserUpdate to the latest version
Browser Cache and CookiesClear cache and cookies
Conflicting Browser ExtensionsDisable or remove problematic extensions
Issues with YouTube AppUpdate or reinstall the app
Device PerformanceClose background apps and processes
YouTube’s Server StatusCheck server status online
Network Configuration IssuesReset network settings or use Google’s DNS
Browser Hardware AccelerationDisable hardware acceleration
Device Hardware ProblemsInspect and replace faulty hardware
ISP ThrottlingUse a VPN
Outdated Software and DriversUpdate all software and drivers
Adjust Video Quality SettingsLower the video resolution
Manage Background Data UsageLimit background data for apps
Restart Your DeviceReboot to resolve temporary glitches


Pauses during YouTube videos can be annoying, but by following these steps, you can identify and fix the underlying problems. Start with basic troubleshooting and move to advanced solutions if needed. Enjoy your videos without interruptions!